Training and Exercises

Why Investing in Incident Management Team Training Could Be The Best Decision You Make This Year

The unsettling truth is that many organisations find themselves on the back foot when disaster strikes – not because of a lack of effort, but due to a lack of preparedness or familiarisation with response plans. This realisation begs the question: could investing in Incident Management team training be the pivotal decision that safeguards your […]

Why Investing in Incident Management Team Training Could Be The Best Decision You Make This Year Read More »

The Importance of Exercising Resilience Plans

Read on to find out why exercising your plans and procedures is invaluable. Missed Opportunities The most common of the Business Continuity Institutes six Professional Practices that are often overlooked are empowering and validation. Both are key to ensuring your processes actually work. Signing off plans before being put through their paces is an easy

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