High Risk Industries

Martyn’s Law is coming. Here’s what you need to do now.

Martyn’s Law or Protect Duty is a new law that will compel public places in the UK to protect visitors. It will mean big changes for many organisations. Here’s what you can do to prepare.

Martyn’s Law is coming. Here’s what you need to do now. Read More »

Ongoing Challenges for the Chemical Industry

Chemicals have two defining characteristics: they are central to the modern world, and they are hugely dangerous in the event of an accident.

An initial report by Reuters states that a potential “chemical accident” triggered the explosion at the Industrias Químicas del Óxido de Etileno plant happened in La Canonja municipality. This incident consumed local emergency, aviation and train services and caused the closure of vital routes in and out of the region.

Ongoing Challenges for the Chemical Industry Read More »